Dec 8, 2009

Second Sunday

Pat was told that family members can eat lunch at the chao hall every Sunday. So we decided to eat lunch with him and then went to church meetings on base only this week.

Ian is so happy to see his daddy. Every night when we are leaving is the most difficult time for him. He cries out "daddy! daddy!" every single time. So I have to tell him " Daddy got to go to school. We will see him tomorrow,ok?"

This week, there are more people attending church. There are also few married brethern whose wives are moving down also. Other than one, brother Thompson. His family will stay with the in-laws. Brother Thompson has the same job title as Pat's. Ans his brother served a mission in Taiwan Taipei Mission in 2000. He might served in my ward. The world is so small!!

This is the 14th day after Pat arrives Keesler AFB. That means he can phase up if he passes the room inspection tonight. Then he will be able to get off base and come to for a bit. Even though he still have curfews, it's better than in phase I. He said most likely he will be able to come home on weekends but not week days. He usually got released in between 5-6 pm and still need to do homeworks. And the curfew is 10:00 pm. So he won't have enough time to come home. Hey, we are happy whenever he can come home.

Ian's Sunday attire

Ian's standard pose for pictures

Look how happy Ian is with dis daddy!

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