Jan 28, 2011

Ian is 3 year old!

Ian's 3rd birthday was a day before we flew back to El Paso. So we really did not have time to celebrate with him. The night we arrived El Paso, grandma prepared a cake for Ian and a cake for Pat since his birthday was the same month. Ian was so excited to see all the gifts that were piled on the little table next to us that he can't even concentrate on dinner at all.

Ian's first birthday was when we were back in Taiwan. So Pat did not get the chance to celebrate with him. The 2nd birthday was the day Pat was shipped from boot camp to tech school. So he did not get the chance to celebrate with him either. Poor daddy. He'd been missed so much. The 4th birthday we will definitely have a party for him with all our friends.

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【Craft】3-D Paper Star Wreath

This Christmas is the 2nd time our family spend this holiday alone since we got married. So I really want to make it special.

We came back to Germany from States on the 3rd of December. The I set the christmas tree up that weekend. I also brought back some of the ornaments.

I was brousing the internet one day and came across Little Birdie Secrets and saw post of the 3-D Paper Star Wreath Tutorial. I fell in love with it right away and decided to make one myself. It was a lot of fun making it with my friend, Candace. And we absolutely love our 3-D Paper Star Wreath.
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