Aug 24, 2008

Leaving on a Jetplane

Because of my father's illness, my mother asked if I would be able to bring Ian home to stay for a while. I counselled with Pat about this. Although it will be hard for him, he agreed that we could go home to Taiwan. I feel very bad to leave hime at home alone, but knowing this is what I need to do at this moment for my parents.

Ian hasn't had the chance to meet my parents yet. And he is their only grandchild. My parents can't wait to see him. Mother even called me couples days ago telling me that she dreamed that we are already home.

One thing worries me a lot is I don't know how is Ian going to act during the trip. He never had a long trip yet. And it will take 2 hrs to go to L.A. and the other 13 hrs to go to Taiwan from L.A.. I tried to prepare everything that he will need in my backpack. Hoping those will comfort him during the trip. But..... We should see.

Aug 23, 2008

Sad Note

The past few weeks has been relatively rough for me considering that Carolien and Ian will be going back home for a few months to help with her parents and to let them meet little stinker here. The most time we have been apart since we have bene married was little over two weeks, this will be upwards of 4 months that she will be gone this time. I know she will be fine over there, same for Ian, i guess Fatherly worries tend to kick in whether you want them to or not. But nothing i can do about that. Not sure if Ian even suspects that he will soon be in a new contry with new people. One thing is for sure, he will be happier to be around people that will be relatively the same size as him ^_^(I'm soo dead for that comment) I'm looking forward to hear how the trip went with him.

Aug 6, 2008


" 你還好嗎?"

" 不好,我下腹痛,痛到睡不著!" 小藍先生回道。


" 現在不痛了,所以沒關係啦!"


" Caroline,你現在趕快回來,我在醫院。"


" 我盲腸炎要開刀,手術排在4:30,妳趕快過來!"



