Dec 7, 2009

A different Thanksgiving

This is a very different Thanksgiving for us.

First, we were by ourselves without Nancy and Larry.

Second, Pat was still on Phase I that he could not get off base and had to wear his ABUs all the times.

Third, we had Thanksgiving "lunch" on base at chao hall.

That's a very interesting experience. Actually, the food there is great compared to the BMT. And it's cheaper than eating anywhere elsse. I had a plate of beef, turkey, corn and sweet potato, 3 glasses of soda and chocolate milk and a piece of pie for $3.50. Wow!!! That's amazingly cheap. We enjoyed our first chao hall experience.

For the rest of the week, Pat did not have classes because of the holiday. So we've been going to base in the mornings and then went home before lunch. Seriously, there is nothing to do on base. The only place we could go is the BX. But BX was close on Thanksgiving. So it's really boring there. But we got to spend time together. That's the most important part of all.

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