Nov 18, 2008

Ian's first birthday

Ian is one-year-old. I can't believe that!

Ian spent his first birthday with all my families in Taiwan. We had a wonderful time together. We bought a Doraemon(a Japanese animation character) cake for Ian which is Pat's favorite character. We had dinner at our house and then hold the important traditional ceremony--Zhua Zhou.

Zhua Zhou is a very traditional ceremony we hold when your baby is one year old. It is a custom of telling a child's future by placing various emblems before him and letting him choose one on his one year birthday. These are the things I placed before Ian:

1. ball(represents an athlete)
2. money (means will be rich)
3. cosmetics (represents a stylist)
4. spatula (represents a cook)
5. scissor (represents a fashion designer)
6. seal (represents a politician)
7. needle and thread (represents a taylor)
8. calculator (represents a businessman)
9. architectual ruler (represents an architect)
10. mouse (represents an IT person)
11. pen (represents a journalist or writer)
12. musical instrument (represents a musician)
13. book (represents a scholar)
14. cellphone (represents communication technician)
15. shoes (represents a traveller)

Other than tradition, I let Ian choose 5 of them. They are:
1st--- MOUSE

I should know what will be his first choice. MOUSE! Of course. Just like his daddy!!

I guess Ian is going to be a businessman in IT field.HAHA. Let's see if his future job will relate to these 5 emblems he choose. There are some of the pictures.

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1 comment:

Amy Piller said...

Hey there, will you do me a big favor......can you post your reciepe for pot stickers? I love them and want to make them:)