We bought the Bumbo chair for Ian when he was about 5 month old. It is great! Ian loves his Bumbo chair. It can help support him to sit up.
When we first got it, it's a little too tight for Ian. His legs got stucked in the hole. It was really funny to see that. Furtunately, as Ian grows, his leg beccame skinnier. It's a wonderful substitute for high chair. We didn't have a high chair for Ian. We have the bumbo and the booster chair for his meal time. And they work great!
Bumbo Chair 是我們2個月前買給奕凱的,它的材質是優質無毒軟膠,Bumbo 之所以大受歡迎,皆因其好處比其他嬰兒座椅,如嬰兒高椅好得多,不佔空間輕便可攜性高。Bumbo可於任何地方使用,放在汽車後座或在嬰兒手推車的存放空格行李箱裡,出門就隨時幫寶寶帶了椅子。戲水、用餐、踏青等,以便於戶外任何平面地方使用;其座椅由軟性材料製造,質輕、無毒,持久耐用,而且還容易清理。Bumbo 的椅背能保持嬰孩的坐姿舒適挺直,還有以嬰孩自己重量來收窄其腿上空間的設計,可輕柔地把嬰孩維持在適當的姿勢。Bumbo 最常用於嬰孩餵哺時間,或是平時讓寶寶坐下觀看其他孩子遊戲的時候。
奕凱很喜歡坐在Bumbo上,但是他的大腿有點小粗,所以會卡住,所以不能坐太久,最近我們還買了Bumbo專用的餐盤,讓他可以坐在Bumbo上吃食物泥和米糊,就不用買high chair餐椅了,很好用喔!
1 comment:
This is actually what I was thinking about getting Coy in the next couple of months, they didn't have these yet when we had Kobe.
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