Jul 30, 2008
Ian was mad at Papa.
Monday was a strange day for Papa and Ian. Monday I had to go to the hospital to remove my apendix. Ian i think sensed that something was wrong when Papa didnt come home and especially when mama didnt come home in the night time. He spent the night with grandma and for the most part slept well. Though everything went well with grandma on tuesday, when we got home from the hospital, Ian would not even look at me, and when he did, it was that mean, mad look on his face. Though, thankfully, now he is back to his normal little self. He only went on a one day guilt trip with mama and papa (thankfully ^_^).
Jul 27, 2008
在外表上,奕凱雖然看起來像東方人,可是其實祇有顏色像而已。他的額頭,嘴唇,下巴,都比較像小藍先生,只有鼻子像我。至於眼睛,不知道像誰,因為他的眼睛很大,我媽說他的眼睛好像"牛眼" ,到底像誰啊?我們兩個的眼睛都不大啊!
奕凱的手和手指和指甲的形狀像我,可是他有一雙像小藍先生的大腳丫和長長的腳趾,婆婆說奕凱的腳趾好像手指頭, 因為他們可以捲屈起來,好像我們在彎曲手指一樣。
說到習慣囉!長相是可以繼承的 ,可是習慣呢?我想也是的。


在外表上,奕凱雖然看起來像東方人,可是其實祇有顏色像而已。他的額頭,嘴唇,下巴,都比較像小藍先生,只有鼻子像我。至於眼睛,不知道像誰,因為他的眼睛很大,我媽說他的眼睛好像"牛眼" ,到底像誰啊?我們兩個的眼睛都不大啊!
奕凱的手和手指和指甲的形狀像我,可是他有一雙像小藍先生的大腳丫和長長的腳趾,婆婆說奕凱的腳趾好像手指頭, 因為他們可以捲屈起來,好像我們在彎曲手指一樣。
說到習慣囉!長相是可以繼承的 ,可是習慣呢?我想也是的。
Bedtime Routine 睡前儀式
1. 唸故事書 (奕凱已經有一個書櫃的書了,不一定要唸多久,看情況,有時候奕凱不累的時候,我們就唸久一點,他累的話就唸幾頁就好。)
2. 唱歌 ( 通常是教會的兒童會歌曲,我會唱個幾首,但是,選一首當成晚安歌,每天晚上用那一首歌做結束。所以當他聽到那首歌時,也知道要睡覺了。)
3. 祈禱
1. 唸故事書 (奕凱已經有一個書櫃的書了,不一定要唸多久,看情況,有時候奕凱不累的時候,我們就唸久一點,他累的話就唸幾頁就好。)
2. 唱歌 ( 通常是教會的兒童會歌曲,我會唱個幾首,但是,選一首當成晚安歌,每天晚上用那一首歌做結束。所以當他聽到那首歌時,也知道要睡覺了。)
3. 祈禱
Jul 20, 2008
Taiwanese Lomein Noodles

I love the Taiwanese Lomein. My favorite lomein is my grandma's.
Grandma always make lomein for the feast on Chinese New Year's Eve. I love noodles.I can eat noodles for a week.
My mom didn't like to eat noodles. So she doesn't know how to make lomein. And I didn't line to cook when my grandma lived with us. Since grandma passed away, nobody can make the right taste of lomein boodles.
Someday, I suddenly craved for lomein noodles. So I decided to try to make it. I got online to llok for recipe. It's hard to buy the chinese noodles. I use spaghetti instead. Although I didn't make the exactly the same taste as grandma's, it still taste pretty good. Even Pat likes it.
Here is the recipe:
1. spaghetti
2. 1 onion
3. 2 Carrot
4. 1/8 head of cabage
5. some bean sprout
6. some pork
7. soy sauce
8. water
Jul 18, 2008
Unhappy moments
Since Caroline has gone back to work, I have been picking Ian up from my moms house after I get work. He's usually only there an hour atthe most, but that hour is usually a pretty calm hour. But when ever i go and pick him up, its like the whole world has ended and he is now his evil twin brother. He seems to sense that he can be bad when i'm around. Im sort of a softy when it comes to him, for the most part. Its frustrating at times, but he will get past this stage soon (I hope hehe). I still love the little stinker, after all he is my little boy ^_^.
" 因為他的臉太凶惡了,即使是平常,也看起來像在生氣一樣。"
Jul 15, 2008
Ian and his Uncle John
When I was pregnant, my mom told me:
" It is said that if the first born was a boy, he will look more like his mother's brother. If the first born was a girl, she will look more like her father's sister."
This is funny because it works on me. I am the first born and look more like my father's sister. So my mom was worried if my baby looks like my brother-John.
" What's wrong with John? He is a handsome young man." I said.
When Ian was born, he looked like me--actually he looked exactly like John. When I saw him for the first time, I saw Jonn in him. As he grows older, he looks more like his daddy now. But there is one face that never change-- his #1 face--still looks like John. Because John has the same face even now. I love to see his # 1 face. It always makes me smile. He looks so cute with that face,too.
" 人家說第一個孩子如果是女生,會長的像姑姑,如果是男生,會長的像舅舅!"
" 那有什麼不好,冠捷長的濃眉大眼的,很男生阿!"
It's Summer Time! Go swimming!

Summer is earlier this year. It is really hot at the end of May. My goodness! It still has several months until the summer is over. What are we going to do? We decided to take Ian to go swimming!
This is Ian's first swimming experience. We don't know how is he going to react. But according to his bath experience, we think he is going to like it.
As we thought, Ian loves to swim. Just like the fish in the water. He is so excited to be in the water. SPLASH~SPLASH~SPLASH~
Like father like son有其父必有其子
Recently, Ian discovered a new toy--his daddy's keyboard.
Whenever Pat hold Ian to sit in front of his computer, his hands can't help but getting on the keyboard and started typing. He didn't like anything else but the keyboard. Look at the picture. He is very serious! It looked like he is very concentrating on that. He really is his daddy's boy! I won't be surprise if he like to play computer just like his daddy does.
Jul 13, 2008
Message from Papa.
Im not really a "blogger" type person so I'll do my best to post. On Thursday, Ian went down for his morning nap. As always, mom (Caroline) will tell him "Time for your nap. Baba will be home when you get up." to which he will smile and promptly fall alseep. But on this day I had a few unfortunate things happen at work that kept me way longer thne I normaly stay. When Ian woke up from his nap, mom went in and asked, "Did you sleep well?" When she said that, all he said in reply was "Baba??? Bababa?? Looking around and looking very sad when I was no where to be found. I thought i was really funny that all he could say was Baba, at least he knows who is his best friend is ;)
Jul 10, 2008
Da Da在哪裡?
" 凱凱乖乖去午睡喔!等你午睡起來,爸比就回來了,你再跟爸比玩喔!"
" 你睡的好嗎?凱凱?"
" DaDaDa(那是爸比的意思)???" (他在問他的爸比在哪裏,媽咪不是說等我睡醒爸比就會在家嗎?)
Jul 9, 2008
Bumbo Chair!
We bought the Bumbo chair for Ian when he was about 5 month old. It is great! Ian loves his Bumbo chair. It can help support him to sit up.
When we first got it, it's a little too tight for Ian. His legs got stucked in the hole. It was really funny to see that. Furtunately, as Ian grows, his leg beccame skinnier. It's a wonderful substitute for high chair. We didn't have a high chair for Ian. We have the bumbo and the booster chair for his meal time. And they work great!
Bumbo Chair 是我們2個月前買給奕凱的,它的材質是優質無毒軟膠,Bumbo 之所以大受歡迎,皆因其好處比其他嬰兒座椅,如嬰兒高椅好得多,不佔空間輕便可攜性高。Bumbo可於任何地方使用,放在汽車後座或在嬰兒手推車的存放空格行李箱裡,出門就隨時幫寶寶帶了椅子。戲水、用餐、踏青等,以便於戶外任何平面地方使用;其座椅由軟性材料製造,質輕、無毒,持久耐用,而且還容易清理。Bumbo 的椅背能保持嬰孩的坐姿舒適挺直,還有以嬰孩自己重量來收窄其腿上空間的設計,可輕柔地把嬰孩維持在適當的姿勢。Bumbo 最常用於嬰孩餵哺時間,或是平時讓寶寶坐下觀看其他孩子遊戲的時候。
奕凱很喜歡坐在Bumbo上,但是他的大腿有點小粗,所以會卡住,所以不能坐太久,最近我們還買了Bumbo專用的餐盤,讓他可以坐在Bumbo上吃食物泥和米糊,就不用買high chair餐椅了,很好用喔!
I love my feet!
I don't know if every baby has the same habbit as Ian. But Ian loves to eat his feet.
Really, really loves them. He alsways puts his feet into his mouth and sucks on the toe. Just like sucking his binky. I laughed so hard when I saw him do that the first time. It's really funny! Such a wierd baby he is.
Starting the solid food
At the four month check, I ask Pediatricion when can I start the solid. Doctor said I can start to try some rice cereal from 4 month old. But don't force him to eat it if he doesn't like it. Try it some other time.
So I started the rice cereal. He like it. Just don't know how to swallow it. He is learning. I'm fine with that. I try to feed him every couple days.
At the 6 month check, Doctor said I can let him taste everything now. From 6-9 month is the time for baby to taste every kind of food. So we can see what are the food Ian likes and doesn't like. But as for the juice, Doctor told us to give him juice after he can drink water from a cup. So I guess the juice needs to wait. Sorry, Ian.
" 在滿四個月後就可以開始餵他吃米精(rice cereal), 但是,不要強迫他,如果他有意願吃就餵他,如果他不願意,就改天再試試。"
所以,我開始嘗試餵他米精(rice cereal),沒想到他還挺喜歡的,只是,不知道怎麼吞,所以還在學習。我也不強迫他,總之,幾天才餵他一次。6個月的回診時,醫生說可以開始餵他食物泥,6-9個月是寶寶嘗試所有的食物的時期,也可以開始餵他開水了,但是果汁要等到他可以自己從杯子喝水之後才能給他喝。所以,我們便開始餵食物泥的歷險了,看看哪些食物是奕凱喜歡的,哪些是他討厭的。
My little monkey!
This little monkey puppet is the first gift Patrick bought for Ian. He got thid the day Ian was born. Daddy said that Ian looked like a little monkey when he is born. So he bought him a friend. We put the little monkey to sleep with Ian in his crib. Look at the way little monkey hold Ian. It's so cute!
Take a nap with Daddy
After moving Ian to his room, we sometimes bring Ian to our room to take a nap together in order to enjoy the closer feeling. Sometimes just lay down with him after he wakes up from his nap. Look at this lovely picture and those sleepy eyes. How cute!
Jul 7, 2008
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