Feb 2, 2010

【2Y1M】Finally......Ian can say more than one word at a time!

Ian is a slow learner. It's not becasue he can't pick up things quickly but don't want to. He is a very stubbern and strong-will kid. When I tried to teach him some vocabularies, he wouldn't say it unless he himself wants to. And most of the time, he won't. Especially when I tried to push him, he wouldn't even open his mouth.

But he likes technology. He likes to watch TV, using computer, and ipod. So I made some powerpoints for learning. And it does work that way. Now he can say more but not a whole lot.

Since then, there is often some interesting conversations happening between us. For example, one night we were driving home from base, due to the broken stereo, I told Ian this is Chinese-speaking time. We will only speak Chinese before we got home.

He said " NO!" of course.

I careless what he said and started to talk in Chinese randomly. Then I heard him say
" Mommy, stop it!"

He said " stop it" after every chinese word I said. It's amazing!! This is his first time saying that. I don't know he understand that means. Apparently, I was wrong.

I laughed so hard that I couldn't keep on. I knew I shouldn't laaugh but I can't help it. It's a funny conversation.

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